Saturday, February 28, 2009

Class for 2 March change

We will be meeting tomorrow for our 174 class at 8am in the ADMC library at the large screen TV to see 'Inconvenient Truth'. You will listen and fill out work-sheets which I'll use to do attendence for the day.
It should be a fun and infornative class so be on time, 8am sharp, to see the entire movie.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Inconvenient Truth summary blog post - Week #5

Heating Up

By now you have presented your blogs to the class demonstrating your proficiency in blogging skills: posts, comments, links etc. Now we will be moving further into the topic: the consequences of global warming and your and other’s opinions, as well as more technology challenges.

You will view the film, 'An Inconvenient Truth', and make two posts due this week and next. The first post is a summary of the movie similar to the reading summaries, which should include introductory and concluding paragraphs. However, it should not include any statements of opinion!

Your analysis and opinion should be covered in the second post where you address what you think of the film’s effectiveness at addressing the topic of global warming/ local solutions. You should cite facts, references and solutions from the film as examples to support your points. Again, include an introduction and conclusion to your post.

Check the task requirements (blog exercise link) for word length for both tasks. An opinion interview using ‘VoiceThread’ technology will be completed next week before the reading summary week. You may want to get more information at www. and read up about the task requirements for An Inconvenient Truth.

Have a good week, see you Monday in the library, and keep on blogging!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Global warming post for Monday's class

Regarding your Global warming posts for Monday's class - You can choose one global warming article to summarize as long as you site the article and author in your summary, and give your opinion on the subject.

I will check all your blogsites by 12.00 midnight to see who needs to come to class on Monday. No blogpost means you need to come to class to work on it together.

Good luck and happy blogging!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

1st post - Global Warming plus VDO

First blog post and video watching

I will check for your Global Warming posts on Sunday to see who needs to come on Monday. In the meantime, you can also try watching the DiCaprio VDO by going to the Project Calendar at Reportfromthedesert174.blogspot and clicking on ‘more information, then scrolling down on the calendar to ‘Movies’. We’ll watch the VDO on Tuesday, with a worksheet.

Happy Blogging!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Introduction to Global Warming post

‘Introduction to Global Warming’ Assignment

Go to Open the ‘Blog Project Calendar’ link. Scroll to Intro to Global Warming and click 'here'. Choose drop down menu and complete these three tasks.

1. Movies: minimum requirement watch Leonardo DiCaprio video and answer questions. Extra: watch other videos listed in this section and write your opinion /review of the movie. Do not watch or start work on ‘An Inconvenient Truth’.

2. Examples: Download the reading “What’s Going to Happen Next?” and fill in the information gaps.

3. Impact of Humans: Choose one page with a partner from:

Prepare oral presentations for the next class on 24 February about why this topic is important. Teacher approval of topic and partners is required.

4. Extra Credit: #17 or#21 of the Extra section: Calculate your carbon emissions and follow the procedure.
Blog writing assignment:
Write a new post of 150 – 200 words with information about the causes of global warming and why it is a serious problem. This information should not be in your personal bio post! Include your opinion about this topic. Any information you get from other sources should be appropriately documented. Title it: ‘Introduction to Global Warming’ and post it on your blog site by midnight Sunday 22 February. If you start the assignment this week, then you will not have to come to class on Monday, 23 February. I will send out a list of students who are excused from class, and those who need to show up to finish their Global Warming assignments. All students are expected to be in class on Tuesday, 24 February.
Visit two other blogs from your class. Comment on their Introduction to Global Warming postings. Write 50 words in a professional way about the positive aspects of their posting and what you learned from their post or what you would want more information on. Sign your comments with your name and student# and enter it as a new post on their blog in order to receive credit for your work.

Final Profile message

To earn a passing grade in this class, you will need to edit your self-descriptions / plus profiles in 174 to meet HDII standards for writing and preview requirements for your projects at the Project Calender Link.

Complete your profiles with appropriate identification information including correct name, student ID#, and photo by Thursday, 18 February for your first Blog grade!

See you tomorrow - and watch this space for further assignments.

Happy blogging!
The Fox

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome to Report from the desert174

Hello Gentlemen:

Welcome to the new term for #174 - and a whole new list of tasks for you to complete (and get graded on). First thing, you need to open your own blogspot, in, seems to be the easiest, and post your blogsite html to my new blogsite:

OR to my gmail account:

I would like to utilize our shared class time efficiently as discussed in class, during the term, so please see that your link appears on my blog. Preferably before Monday's class. I would prefer not having to use valuable class time on such boring topics!

The new assignment for Monday, 9 Feb. is: write a 150-250 word biography with the purpose of your blog to be posted on your site by midnight - so I can check it before class.

We'll talk about all these items at that time -

Desert Fox